All of our bulk products are available in bulka bags for convenience. Bulka bags can be used when there is poor access, or when the product needs to stored in a bag until it is used. Instead of having a pile of mulch in your driveway, or soil on your nature strip, a bulka bag will keep the product clean, tidy and accessible. The bags will hold 1 cubic metre of lighter product like mulch, compost or soil or three quarters of a cubic metre of heavy product like sand or crushed rock.
Bulka Bags are delivered with our crane truck. Email or call us on (03) 8850 3030 to get a price on delivery. Delivery charge is dependant on suburb, bag quantities and the time frame you require. Our crane truck has a reach of approximately 6m. As long as the truck can get good access (no power lines, trees etc) it can reach onto retaining walls or over low fences.
There is an extra charge to supply and fill the bulka bags on top of the product cost, or to refill an old bag (conditions apply to filling a returned bag )