Every BAAG Factsheet Julian Uncategorized August 14, 2024August 14, 2024 Acacia acinacea (Gold Dust Wattle) Acer – Japanese Maples Advantages of Trees Agave filifera Agave geminiflora Almonds Aloe Vera Alyogyne Aniseed Myrtle Aphids Apples – Heritage Apples – Modern Apricots April in your Garden Aquatic Plants Arrowroot Artichokes – Globe Artichokes – Jerusalem Asian Greens Asparagus Attracting Birds and Butterflies August in your Garden Australian Natives Avocados Azalea Lace Bug BAAG Bookshop BAAG is staying open – North East Link updates BAAG Member Specials – January 2025 BAAG Organic Vegie Seedlings BAAG Park and Community Partnerships Babaco Backyard Chooks Bamboo Bananas Bank Stabilisation Bare Root Tree Planting and Pruning Guide Basil Beans Beetroot Beneficial Bugs Beneficial Nematodes for Natural Pest Control Benefits of Being in the Garden Berries Berry Care and Varieties Biochar Black Aphid Black Sapote Black Spot on Roses Blueberries Bokashi Bucket Bolin Bolin Billabong Bonsai Boronia Brazillian Cherry Brewing Hops Brick, Paver & Sleeper Cutting Broad Beans Broccoli & Broccolini Bromeliads Brussels Sprout Bulbs & Perennials Bush Tomato Bushfoods Buxus turning orange / bronze in winter Cabbage Cabbage White Butterfly and Cabbage Moth Cacti & Succulents General Information Cacti and Succulents Callistemons (Bottlebrushes) Camellias Capers Capsicum Cardamom Carnivorous Plants Carob Carrion / Starfish Flower Carrots Cauliflower Celery Cement & Dry Mix Products Cherries Chestnuts Chicory, Endive, Radicchio and Witloof Chillies Chives Choosing the right sleeper Christmas Trees – Living v Cut v Fake Cinnamon Myrtle Citrus Citrus Gall Wasp Citrus Leafminer Citrus Trees General Information Clematis Climbers Climbing Plants General Info Codling Moth and Oriental Fruit Moth Coffee Community Gardens Companion Planting Composting Composts and Soil Conditioners Contact Landscape Supplies Coriander Corn Cornelian Cherry Corrugated Garden Beds Corymbia Citriodora – Lemon Scented Gum Cottage Cottony Cushion Scale Cranberries Crane Truck / Bulka Bags Crop Rotation Cucumbers Cumquats Currants Curry Leaf Tree Cyclamen Davidson’s Plum December in your Garden Deciduous Shrubs that Pack a Punch Deciduous Trees Dianella longifolia (Flax Lily) Dill Dragon Fruit (Pitaya) Driveway and Path Toppings Drought Tolerant Edible Plants Duo or Multi Fruit Tree Planting Ecowood Vegie Bed Kits Edible Flowers Edible Gardening General Info Edible Gardening in Small Spaces Edible Ornamental Gardens Eggplant Elm Leaf Beetle Encouraging Native Beneficial Insects Environmental Policy Environmental Weed Policy Every BAAG Factsheet Fairy Magnolia February in your Garden Feijoa Fern Gardens Fertiliser Facts Figs Finger Lime Flowering Gums (Corymbia ficifolia) Foodcube Freckle on Stonefruit FREE Trailer Hire Friends of the Yarra Valley Parks Frog Ponds Fruit Tree Espaliering Fruit Trees Fruiting Vines and Shrubs Galangal Gallery Exhibition – ‘Christmas 24 and Summer at BAAG’ Garden Edging Garden Pest Control Garlic Goodenia ovata (Hop Goodenia) Gotu Kola Grafted Plants Explained Grapefruit Grapes Grasses Green Manure Grevilleas Groundcovers Grumichama Guava Gummosis (Bacterial Canker) in Apricots Habitat Gardening Hardenbergia violacea (Happy Wanderer) Hazelnuts Healthy Soil is Easy Hedging and Screening Hellebores Herbs & Spices Heritage or Heirloom Varieties Heuchera Holiday-Proof Your Garden Hydrangeas Illawarra Plum Improving Clay Soils Improving Sandy Soils Improving soil that has been under concrete Indigenous Gardens Indigofera australis (Australian Indigo) Indoor / Patio Indoor Plant Care and Maintenance Insect Hotels Insect Repellent Plants Integrated Pest Management – A better way to garden Jaboticaba January in your Garden Japanese Raisin Tree Jujube Trees July in your Garden June in your Garden Juniper Berries Kale Kangaroo Grass Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos) Kiwi Berry Kiwi Fruit Land Cress as Pest Control Lawn Alternatives Lawn Alternatives – Planting Options Lawn Alternatives Overview Leeks Lemon Myrtle Lemons Lettuce Living with Possums Macadamia Malus trilobata Mandarins Mangoes Manures March in your Garden Marjoram May in your Garden Mealybugs Medlar Melons, Canteloupe, Rockmelon Midgen Berry Mint Miracle Fruit Mixing Mortar and Concrete Mock Orange – Philadelphus mexicanus Mosquito Repellent Plants Mountain Pepper Mulches Mulching for a Healthy Garden Muntries Murnong Yam Daisy Mushrooms Myrtle Rust Nashi (or Asian) Pears Nestboxes November in your Garden Nut Trees October in your Garden Old Man Salt Bush Olives Onions Oranges Oregano Pandan Parsley Parsnips Passionfruit Paving & Retaining Walls Peach Leaf Curl Peaches and Nectarines Pears Peas Pecans Pepino Perfumed Gardens Permaculture Permeable Surfaces Persimmon Pests, Problems and Diseases Phalaenopsis Orchids Phosphorus and Australian Native plants Pigface / Livingstone Daisy Pistachio Plant Tiles Planting Guide – the ‘how’ and ‘when’ Plums Poinsettias Pomegranate Pot Recycling is back at BAAG Potatoes Pots and Birdbaths Powdery Mildew on Roses Pre-Bagged Bulk Products Preparing Your Winter Vegie Garden Proteas, Leucadendrons and Leucospermums Protecting the Yarra – how you can get involved Pruning Australian Natives Pruning Cane and Shrub Berries Pruning Fruit Trees Pruning Fruiting Vines Pruning Ornamental Trees Pruning, Grafting and Planting Pumpkins Queensland Fruit Fly Quince Rain Gardens Rainwater Raspberries Re-Potting Aquatic Plants Reducing the Heat With Vegetation Renovating and sealing ceramic and terracotta garden pots Revegetation of the parkland near BAAG Rhubarb River Mint Rocket – Arugula Rose Hips Rosemary Roses Safer Spraying Sage Sands Saving frost and cold damaged plants Screening Ideas Seeds September in your Garden Shade Plants Shrubs Silk Tassel Bush (Garrya elliptica) Silver Birch Silverbeet Sleepers (Concrete) Sleepers (Timber) Smoke Bush Soil Contamination Soil Health Soil Mixes Soil pH Spinach Sprouts & Microgreens Staghorn and Elkhorn Ferns Starting a Gardening Group Stone & Pebbles Straw Bale Gardening Strawberries Sweet Potatoes Tamarillos Tangelos Taro / Dasheen Tetratheca ciliata (Pink Bells) The Living Components of your Soil The Renter’s Guide to Edible Gardening Thyme Tomatillo Tomatoes Trade Store Trading Hours Trees Trees For Small Gardens Tropical Fruit in Melbourne Turmeric Use Quality Tools Using Colour in your Garden Vegepod Raised Garden Bed Kits Vegie Patch Basics Vegie Swap Vegies Violas Walnuts Wampi Water Chestnut Water Gardens Water Saving Products Watercress Watering Systems Wattle Seed We Deliver Seven Days a Week What is Urban Ecology? – A few thoughts from BAAG’s CEO What to do with your excess produce White Sapote Why Grow Your Own Food? Why Your Garden Matters Wicking Beds Wollemi Pine – The Dinosaur Plant Worm Farms Yacón Zeolite and Hydrocell – Two Great Soil Improvers Zucchini