Black Spot on Roses

Blackspot on Roses Blackspot is a fungus (Diplocarpon rosae) that appears initially as black spots on leaves, progressing to large black spots fringed with yellow rings. As the disease spreads, the entire leaf will go from green to yellow and


Black Aphid

These can explode in numbers seemingly overnight and yesterday’s beautiful healthy foliage can turn into today’s twisted and curled up mess as you can see from the pictures here of our poor esplaiered cherry in Edible Alley (on the left


Azalea Lace Bug

Stephanitis pyrioides These infuriating little insects hide on the underside of azalea (and rhododendron) leaves. There they suck the sap from the plant and leave dark dots of excrement, leading to the silvery leafed appearance of affected plants from the



The appearance of aphids in October on fresh new spring growth is invariably accompanied by a demand in the nursery for “a spray to get rid of those (insert expletive of your choice) aphids”. Very understandable – as aphids are


Garden Pest Control

Effective and sustainable pest control for the garden. It is only within my lifetime that consumer standards have changed so dramatically to the point where there is currently an expectation that all fruit and vegetables should be perfectly shaped, unblemished
