Environmental Weed Policy

Bulleen Art & Garden takes very seriously the problems caused by environmental weeds. It aims to take every precaution to ensure that no plant material stocked or sold at Bulleen Art & Garden has a ‘serious’ environmental weed potential.

In accordance with the CaLP (Catchment & Land Protection) Act, Bulleen Art & Garden does not stock those plants that have been identified as noxious weeds in our region and are thus banned from sale by Victorian state legislation. Common garden plants that will not be sold by Bulleen Art & Garden for this reason include:

Botanical Name Common Name Indigenous Alternative Other Alternative
Crataegus monogyna Hawthorn Hymenanthera dentata Leptospermum scoparium
Cynara cardunculus Cardoon Gahnia radula Artichoke
Cytisus scoparius ssp. scoparius Broom Viminaria juncea
Eichhornia crassipes Water Hyacinth Villarsia reniformis Water poppy (Hydrocleys)
Equisetum spp. Horsetail Restio tetraphyllus Cyperus alternifolius
Foeniculum vulgare Fennel
Genista linifolia, G. monspessulana Broom Daviesia leptophylla Acacia fimbriata Dwarf form
Hieracium spp. Hawkweed Dillwynia cinarescens
Hypericum perforatum St John’s Wort
Juncus acutus ssp. acutus Spiny rush Juncus pallidus Cyperus papyrus
Lavandula stoechas Italian Lavender Spyridium parvifolium Any other lavender
Lycium ferocissimum African Boxthorn Correa reflexa Box hedging
Opuntia spp. Prickly pear
Physalis viscose Sticky cape gooseberry
Reseda luteola Wild mignonette Warrigul greens
Rosa rubiginosa Sweet briar Any other rose
Watsonia meriana var bulbilifera Watsonia Bulbine bulbosa Kangaroo paw

In addition to this we have also identified a number of horticultural plants that have the potential to become environmental weeds; to spread from gardens and threaten local natural areas. Bulleen Art and Garden may stock cultivars and varieties of these species, especially when they are sterile forms and pose less of a risk to the environment. Our nursery does not stock these plant species:

Botanical Name Common Name Indigenous Alternative Other Alternative
Acacia baileyana Cootamundra Wattle Acacia dealbata
Acacia decurrens Early Black Wattle Acacia mearnsii
Acacia elata Cedar Wattle Acacia implexa
Acacia floribunda White Sallow Wattle Acacia verticillata
Acacia longifolia Sallow wattle Acacia melanoxylon
Acer negundo cultivars (except for ‘Sensation’ which does not seem to revert) Box Elder Gynatrix pulchella Acer ‘Sensation’
Agapanthus orientalis Common Agapanthus Dianella tasmanica NZ Rock Lily (Arthropodium)
Albizia lophantha(Syn. Paraserianthus lophantha) Cape Wattle Acacia mearnsii Cassia bicapsularis
Chamaecytisus palmensis Tree Lucerne Ozothamnus ferrugineus Westringia fruticosa
Cotoneasters (other than C. dammeri) Cotoneaster Spyridium parvifolium NSW Christmas bush
Fraxinus angustifolia Desert Ash Acacia implexa Ornamental apple
Hakea salicifolia Willow Hakea Acacia pycnantha
Hedera helix Ivy Clematis microphylla Climbing fig
Ipomoea indica Morning Glory Vine Hardenbergia violaceae Pandorea jasminiodes
Lonicera japonica Japanese Honeysuckle Pandorea pandorana Snail creeper
Melaleuca hypericifolia Hillock Bush Callistemon sieberi Callistemon viminalis
Myriophyllum aquaticum Parrot Feather Myriophyllum crispatum Myriophyllum varifolium
Pennisetum clandestinum Kikuyu Weeping grass Buffalo grass
Pittosporum undulatum Sweet Pittosporum Olearia lirata Pittosporum Silver Sheen
Prunus cerasifera Cherry Plum Hop bush Smoke bush
Sollya heterophylla Bluebell Creeper Billardiera scandens Solanum ‘Monet’s Blue’
Vinca major Blue Periwinkle Hardenbergia violaceae Convolvulus mauritanicus
Zantedeschia aethiopica White Arum Lily Restio tetraphyllus Arthropodium cirratum

Certain plants have been identified by Bulleen Art & Garden as useful garden plants within residential areas, but which may pose weed potential in parklands or waterways. These plants will have warnings displayed to customers suggesting they should not be planted in close proximity to natural areas, parklands or waterways. If you have any questions about environmental weeds please do not hesitate to ask one of our qualified nursery staff.

What else is BAAG doing to combat the threat of environmental weeds?

  • Having local council lists available and displayed within the nursery of Common Garden Plants that are Environmental Weeds in the region.

  • Bulleen Art & Garden, through SGA will organise with the Department of Sustainability & Environment for regular updates of plants listed as noxious or environmental weeds or those listed as having weed potential to be forwarded to the nursery manager.

  • Bulleen Art & Garden will communicate with local council about plants that present potential for local weed impacts.

  • Staff will monitor any areas of parkland surrounding Bulleen Art & Garden for evidence of escaped plants from within the nursery.

  • The staff at Bulleen Art & Garden will be trained to advise on appropriate plant selection and educate customers on the environmental implications their buying decisions may have.

  • Plant purchasers will at all times remain up to date and aware of local weed lists when purchasing plant stock to be sold at BAAG.