Our gardens are all highly complex and interactive ecosystems, the actions we take have both short and long term effects. In the factsheets below we cover a wide variety of pest and problem management methods which you can use in your garden.


Azalea Lace Bug

Beneficial Bugs

Black Aphid

Black Spot on Roses

Buxus turning orange / bronze in winter

Cabbage White Butterfly and Cabbage Moth

Citrus Gall Wasp

Citrus Leafminer

Codling Moth and Oriental Fruit Moth

Companion Planting

Cottony Cushion Scale

Elm Leaf Beetle

Encouraging Native Beneficial Insects

Freckle on Stonefruit

Garden Pest Control

Gummosis (Bacterial Canker) in Apricots

Insect Repellent Plants

Integrated Pest Management – A better way to garden

Land Cress as Pest Control


Mosquito Repellent Plants

Myrtle Rust

Peach Leaf Curl

Phosphorus and Australian Native plants

Powdery Mildew on Roses

Queensland Fruit Fly

Safer Spraying